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Meet the founder Davi Decampos. He was born in Salvador-BA, lived in the US for 20 years and currently lives in Mexico City. Graduated in Business Administration in Boston-MA, Davi also has background in tech & design, acquired while working for Apple. Davi is a nomade soul who loves Wellness, fashion and holistic therapy. He founded Libre because there's medicine in the hat that's created by high vibrational souls. Libre is called Wearable Magic because it elevates your  frequency when yo wear it.

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wear libre
wear libre

Our unisex products are handcrafted in Mexico. They are very unique pieces, which means you won't find anyone else wearing a hat exactly like yours, even if they're very similar. Our goal is that you feel the light flow of life and radiate joy when wearing it.

There's no specific outfit that goes with our hats, all you need is to wear them with confidence. 

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